Obsidian ESP32

An ESP32 in a Raspberry Pi Form Factor

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Sep 30, 2019

Project update 10 of 13

Production, Testing, and Packaging

Obsidian ESP32 production was quite successful, both the campaign and pre-order quantities have been successfully assembled and tested, now pending shipment to Crowd Supply!

Reminder: If you need to update your shipping address for any reason, you can do that through your Crowd Supply account.

It’s been another few weeks, the order from PCBWay was received a few days ahead of schedule, and looked great:

The next weeks were spent assembling and testing, cases were received, and I broke up the adhesive feet and screws for assembling the cases into their individual small bags. Once I get them sent out to Crowd Supply, they will process them and fulfillment can begin!

As you can see in the image I have more than enough cases and also plenty of boards available, if you haven’t ordered yet, there is still time to place a pre-order!

As soon as I get word the parts have been shipped out to backers the source and design files will be made available as promised under the CERN OHL v 1.2. Find more details on that here: https://ohwr.org/cernohl

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