
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Apr 01, 2019

Project update 11 of 38

Production Status

by Eugene Pomazov

Our batch production is currently underway. Here’s a brief update on the current status.

PCB production for StereoPi began on March 20th, and this Tuesday our assembly factory will receive tested boards ready for assembly. The last components needed for StereoPi assembly will also arrive in the coming days, at which point the soldering robot will start its work. At the same time, our manufacturer will start functional tests of every assembled board. We choose functional tests to be sure everything works as expected. During these tests, each StereoPi will be equipped with a Raspberry Pi Compute Module, two cameras, an HDMI monitor, an Ethernet connection, and a USB device. A microSD card with a specially cooked Raspbian will automate the testing right after boot. If every test passes and the factory gets all "green" results, the board will be packed and prepared for delivery.

Also, all "active" accessories have already arrived in the US, passed customs clearance, and have been sent to Crowd Supply’s warehouse. This means all kit components like the RPi Compute Module 3 and 3+, V1 Pi cameras, and Waveshare wideangle cameras will be with Crowd Supply this week and ready to be kitted for backers. Most "passive" accessories like short camera ribbons and power cables will also arrive next week. The microSD cards for Starter and Deluxe kits already arrived at our factory and are currently being flashed with our Raspbian image for livestream experiments.

Next week, we expect to share with you a lot of information and photos from our factory and delivery partners.

The last bit of this update is for those interested in learning OpenCV. Last week, we finished our Python code update, and we’re now assembling a step-by-step guide. So, one of our next updates will be not production related, but instead cover taking your first steps in OpenCV with StereoPi, like camera calibration and parameters tuning for obtaining a correct depth map.

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