
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Jul 31, 2019

Project update 20 of 38

Shipment Started, and First Robot Vision Tutorial Series Released

by Eugene Pomazov

Shipping Again

As of yesterday, the 29 of July, the first part of our StereoPi kits has arrived at Crowd Supply to process and stock. Printing labels and shipping to backers will resume shortly. We expect all the rest of StereoPi from the second batch will arrive in another week, and at that point we will be able to ship absolutely all orders (including Slim edition, which is a little late).

StereoPi for Robot Vision

StereoPi and Dagu RP5

Today we’ve posted the first article of a new series. The goal of this series of articles is to create a compact indoor robot that can navigate using stereo vision. As a platform for it, we’ll use a small Dagu RP5 platform on tracks that we have.

StereoPi cold water

In this article we’ll try to dive a little deeper into cold water of Python fisheye camera calibration.

Read full article here in our blog on Medium.

Stay tuned!

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