
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Aug 07, 2019

Project update 21 of 38

Submit Your StereoPi Field Report!

by Eugene Pomazov

Even as the final remaining campaign orders prepare to ship, we can already see stereoscopic images and video bubbling up from the StereoPi units that have already been shipped. People are doing interesting things! To help share with the world what StereoPi is being used for, we’re calling for field reports.

Did you capture 3D footage of a unicorn, yeti, or banana slug? Did you design a cool case for your StereoPi? Fly it on a drone where no stereoscopic camera has gone before? How about better software or configurations? Let us know, and we’ll publish your field report as a project update right here on the StereoPi project page. Published Field Reports will also be featured in Crowd Supply’s newsletter.

Field Reports submitted and accepted by the 31st of August will be eligible for our Summer Gifts program: the first ten accepted entries will receive special Raspberry Pi camera kits (with unique features!). In addition, reports accepted by the 30th of September will take part in our September Grand Prix, where we’ll choose three reports to win special extended ‘Deluxe+ Limited Edition’ Kits with some cool goodies!

How To Submit

Send us a 200-word (minimum) description of your project, along with any graphics, schematics, photos or other collateral, via email to Be sure to include "StereoPi field report" in the subject line. Don’t worry too much about the writing and grammar, we have editors.

To give you a better idea of what we’re looking for, here are some links to previous field reports published as part of a different Crowd Supply project (LimeSDR):

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