AMD FPGA Playground

Promoting adaptable and intelligent FPGA innovation through education

Mar 10, 2021

Update 1 of 8

Giveaway Ended

by Crowd Supply


Thanks to everyone who entered the FPGA Playground giveway program! We had over 2000 entries for 20 prizes. We’ve randomly selected our 20 winners, and contacted them directly. If you didn’t receive an email from us already, you unfortunately were not a winner.

However, because there was so much demand for this introduction to FPGAs, we are going to make the professional training by Adam Taylor available to anyone who would like to attend. If you would like to join us for the FPGA professional training you will need to register in advance. The training has two sessions so please make sure you use the drop down menu to register for both.

Registration link:

If you are unable to join the sessions live we will be publishing the sessions after the event on our YouTube channel.

The training will be based on the Basys 3 so if you want to follow along with the practical part of the sessions we have 25 discounted boards available here.

Thanks and have a good day!

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