Glasgow Interface Explorer

A highly capable and extremely flexible open source multitool for digital electronics

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Dec 22, 2020

Project update 1 of 14

Campaign is Now Live!

by Piotr Esden-Tempski

The Glasgow Interface Explorer campaign is now live!

We know that many of you have been waiting for this moment for way too long — we appreciate your patience. One year later, one additional major hardware revision, and one of the strangest years in living memory winding to a close. The time has finally come to launch the Glasgow campaign!

If you pledge for any of the tiers of this campaign you will receive the newest revC hardware. Compared to the revC1 that some of you might have built yourself, we made some minor design for manufacture (DFM) improvements as well as some other changes that allow supply current measurements. Don’t worry, we will talk about this in detail in one of the upcoming weekly campaign updates. ;)

We hope you find this newest Glasgow interesting and share the news with your friends that it is now available. We look forward to seeing what everyone is able to do with the new hardware!

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