iCEBreaker FPGA

The first open source iCE40 FPGA development board designed for teachers and students

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Nov 22, 2019

Project update 13 of 14

Fulfillment Done

by Piotr Esden-Tempski

Hey Everyone!

YEY, we have arrived at the end of the Campaign and Pre-Order fulfillment! It took a while but we are finally here!

Thank you all for your support and patience! This whole project would not have been possible without your passion for open-source FPGA! :)

iCEBreaker Inventory & Purchase Options

Now that all the campaign pledges and pre-orders are fulfilled we finally have iCEBreakers, Pmods and LED Panels in the 1BitSquared store. Of course CrowdSupply will also continue selling the iCEBreaker related products going forward.

We are still working on creating a big enough inventory buffer so that there are no back order situations. That will probably still take a while to stabilize and level out, but we are actively working on that.

Glasgow - Interface Explorer

Of course we are not resting on our laurels and are immediately diving into the next project. This time it is the Glasgow Interface Explorer, an open-source FPGA based USB to "anything" interface tool.

Check out the pre-launch page and subscribe to be notified as soon as the Glasgow campaign launches. And check out the Glasgow GitHub page too for more information about the project.


Piotr will be at Chaos Communication Congress in December so make sure to find him and say hello! :)

CC-BY-SA Yves Sorge

We are planning to run some FPGA workshops at 36C3 like we did last year, but it is not yet set in stone. So make sure to follow Piotr on Twitter so you don’t miss out. :)

That would be it for this update. Again, thank you all for your support and we hope you have fun with your iCEBreakers. Make sure to let us know on Twitter or in the icebreaker channel on Discord what you made with it!

Piotr and Danika

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