
A shield for Adafruit's Feather boards for making complex robots with ease

Sep 11, 2020

Project update 2 of 17

Powered by Microchip SAM D21 microcontroller

by David Bershadsky

RoverWing is part of the Microchip Get Launched program, which is designed to help new projects utilizing Microchip components launch their campaigns through campaign promotion, lower BOM cost on Microchip components during initial production, as well as reduced Crowd Supply fees for the project.

The RoverWing utilizes the 32-bit Microchip SAM D21 Arm® Cortex®-M0+ microcontroller as its heart. This powerful 48 Mhz microcontroller, boasting 256Kb flash memory, numerous I2C, SPI, and UART interfaces and other peripherals can handle complex computations in parallel, reducing the computation load on the host. Doing this is extremely beneficial when utilizing algorithms like PID for motor speeds using encoders, as well as navigation using the IMU/Encoders because the main microcontroller remains completely free to work on other computations, only sending periodic commands to the RoverWing. The SAM D21 also handles the processing of all sensor data that the RoverWing collects before passing it to the host device, helping to reduce noise in sensor readings and computation load.

RoverWing is glad to have been accepted into the Microchip Get Launched program, because it helps us ensure that we will deliver finished RoverWings on time and within our target budget!

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