
A shield for Adafruit's Feather boards for making complex robots with ease

Oct 19, 2020

Project update 7 of 17

We are Funded - Production Begins!

by David Bershadsky

We are happy to announce that our campaign has been successfully funded! Thanks to all our supporters, some of whom have been following us from our original Kickstarter campaign!

This doesn’t mean that the campaign is over - as we wrote in the previous update, we have decided to extend the deadline by two weeks to give everyone who wanted to place an order a chance to do so. So please let your friends know about RoverWing!

However, now that we are certain of our financing, we have started working on actual production. We had already ordered some parts from AliExpress, as they can take a long time to arrive. We will now order the rest, in particular the XT30-XT60 power adapter which will be a custom order placed through AliBaba. Of course, we will test all parts before sending them out, to make sure the quality is right (for some of the components we went through 2 or 3 vendors before finding one we that liked).

And, most importantly, we have placed the manufacturing order for the RoverWing top board! The boards will be manufactured by, a well-known PCB fabrication factory in Shenzhen, China; the lead time is 3 weeks, so the should be here some time in mid-November. We will keep everyone posted.

We are still comparing quotes for RoverWing board production; this is a more complicated and more expensive order, and we want to make sure that the quality (and price) are right before placing it.

Photo below shows some of the parts we have received and packed for future shipping to Crowd Supply fulfillment center.

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