
A USB kill cord for your laptop

Aug 10, 2022

Project update 16 of 30

BusKill is on a Boat!

by Michael Altfield

Manufacturing Update

We’re very happy to announce that we’ve finished assembling and packaging all of our backer’s orders. We’ve packed up the boxes and shipped them to Mouser in the US.

To reduce our product’s impact on the climate, we’ve opted to send the parcels via cargo ship to Mouser’s distribution center. At the time of writing, the vessel is currently in the Pacific Ocean. Next port-of-call: USA.

What’s next?

After the shipment arrives to Mouser’s distribution center, they’ll be inventoried, processed, and shipped out to you. This can take a few weeks.

We know it’s been over 6 months since you backed our campaign (thank you for your patience and trust!). Please do double-check your address in your Order Details within your Crowd Supply Account to make sure it’s up-to-date. If you need help, contact Crowd Supply Support and they can update it for you.

Mouser will not refund orders that are correctly delivered to the shipping address on-file.

BusKill v0.5.0 released

As we’re finally reaching the finish-line of hardware fulfillment to our backers, we’re ramping up our focus on the software.

Last month we released BusKill v0.5.0 of our cross-platform app. For more info on this release, see the Software Release Announcement on our project’s website.


Unfortunately, sending by cargo ship was slower than expected, and we’ll probably miss our target ship date of September 1st :(

To be safe & transparent, we’re pushing-back the target ship date to October 1st. But it’s very possible that some our backers will receive their order by late September.

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