AMD FPGA Playground

Promoting adaptable and intelligent FPGA innovation through education

Jun 30, 2022

Update 4 of 8

Snickerdoodle Livestream & Giveaway

by Brittany Baguio

Happy summer! To kick things off, we have some popular Zynq-based snickerdoodle boards to give away during a video livestream with Ryan Cousins from krtkl, the creator of snickerdoodle. We’re also happy to welcome two new projects into the FPGA Playground program: ThunderScope and ChipWhisperer-Husky.

Two Chances to Win Free Snickerdoodle Gear

Check out the above Teardown Sessions episode on Friday, July 1, 2022 as host Helen Leigh talks to snickerdoodle creator Ryan Cousins from krtl. A tiny, full-featured, Zynq-based board, snickerdoodle packs a punch and can be applied to gigabit networking, computer vision, embedded robotics, and more.

Best of all, we’re giving away some free snickerdoodles and accessories, and you’ll have two chances to win. First, we’ll be picking a winner from among the people commenting on the livestream. Second, we’ll be picking a winner from all the unique subscribers to the AMD Xilinx FPGA Playground page. If you’re not already subscribed, you can do so below. Limit one subscription per individual.

Two New Participating Projects

Help us welcome ThunderScope and ChipWhisperer-Husky to the AMD Xilinx FPGA Playground. Both projects feature a powerful Artix-7 FPGA. Keep an eye out for when they launch by subscribing to the FPGA Playground or to the projects directly.

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