ANAVI Macro Pad 2

Open source, programmable two-key mechanical keypad with backlighting

May 19, 2021

Project update 1 of 13

Introducing Our Tiny 2% Mechanical Keyboard

by ANAVI Technology

After several months of development, it’s here! ANAVI Macro Pad 2 is an open source, programmable, two-key mechanical keypad with backlighting.

ANAVI Macro Pad 2 is powered by Microchip ATtiny85 and comes with the popular, open-source QMK firmware out of the box. Multiple pre-made QMK keymaps are available for working with widely use software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Jitsi, Skype, and Git.

Our crowdfunding campaign has a very modest goal of just $1. We do have a couple of stretch goals, though! If we raise $500 or more, we’ll add 32 super-cool, transparent emoji keyboard stickers to all kits. You can stick them onto the tops or the sides of our translucent keycaps. And if we raise $1,000, we’ll add even more stickers, this time with our logo and that of the KiCad software.

We have a stable product, and this crowdfunding campaign will help us proceed with low-volume manufacturing. We hope you’ll jump in and help us bring this entirely open source project to life!


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