
The Modern Pencil Cup

Nov 18, 2015

Project update 2 of 2

Now Available: Free Files

As promised, here is the link to download the cut files to make your very own Bandynami! For those of you lucky enough to own or have access to a laser cutter, have fun and send over lots and lots of pictures!

They are available via Ponoko here:

These plans are made specifically for .125" plywood. They will make a 2", 4" and 6" version.

6 pieces snap together to make a universal organizer using standard #33 rubber bands (which you’ll need).

Give the rubber bands a good stretch before you loom them on, don’t force a small rubber band onto the frames, as you’ll risk breaking the plywood.

Please note: Each machine’s laser has a different width, so the snap tight quality of your own printed pieces (compared to the purchased kits) may vary, but once the rubber bands are on, it doesn’t matter.

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