Portland, OR · bucketpdx.com
Born and raised in Portland, OR. BS, MS in Mechanical Engineering from Portland State University with a focus on controls and dynamics. Work experience includes wind data analysis, wind turbine diagnostics, measurement systems, computer programming, machine design, making science exhibits for OMSI, deckhand. Currently working part time as an arborist. Enjoys identifying plants. My other toilet is a 5 gallon bucket.
Grew up in southern West Virginia, a state he still loves and feels is unfairly maligned. Went to school to get degrees in Ocean/Aerospace engineering, worked with US Navy Science and Technology for a couple years, and now works for Vestas, the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer. Spends his free time hanging out with his family and friends, skiing/hiking/climbing volcanoes/insert-outdoor-activity-here, designing coffee accessories, or huddled over his computer working on open-source programming projects. He’s 6‘5" tall, and has heard just about every joke regarding having played basketball, the "air up there", and being able to reach the top shelf.
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