The Well

A simple container for boxed wine made in Portland, OR.

Dec 29, 2016

Project update 2 of 3

Campaign Extension

by Bryan K, Rob S

Hi friends and backers!

Hopefully everyone is having a good holiday season. We’re excited about all the pledges we’ve gotten so far for The Well campaign. It turns out that running a crowdfunding campaign during the holiday season is pretty tough. Since we’re only at 10% funding so far, we’re going to extend the campaign through the end of February in order to try and reach our goal of $20,000. Hopefully we can get all the pledges we need between now and then!

The reason that we need $20,000 to start production of The Well are:

Product development and manufacturing is expensive. On top of that, producing things yourself and doing it domestically is even more challenging. This is why most products are made by large companies, and why production is typically outsourced overseas.

At Bucket we really want to challenge ourselves to make products as locally and efficiently as possible. In order to do that without investment funding, we rely on a fairly large initial order base to get the gears turning. Otherwise, it’s just an expensive hobby…but a hobby that we love no less!

Thanks again for your support up to this point, and please continue to help us spread the word to your friends and family! If you’ve already made a pledge to our campaign, but you don’t want to wait until February for the campaign to end, we’ll let you cancel your previous order. Just contact us at with your order ID number and let us know that you’d like to cancel.

Wish us luck!

-Bryan and Rob

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