Available for pre-order
View Purchasing OptionsWe wanted to let you know that the head-mounted PCB files are now available in our repository. There are some signals still missing from the m328p board, as we still need to add serial comms from the microcontroller to the Trinamic drivers. Once these and the other remaining designs are complete, we’ll send them to the PCB manufacturer. This will happen after the Chinese New Year.
The manufacturing order for the Betz Technik nozzle holders was placed last weekend. We were able to source the plastic plate in green, and it should be shipping to us next week.
Finally, we decided to make a design change to the pneumatic system. Instead of relying on one bigger pump, solenoid valves, and connectors, we decided to use two smaller, independently controlled pumps, one for each head. We also plan to design a rear-mounted PCB with the necessary electronics for those pumps. These improvements should make assembly easier for everybody.