
Your personal open hardware PCB assembly machine

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Jan 28, 2020

Project update 7 of 24

Moving forward on fabrication as our campaign comes to a close

by Gino Magarotto

To begin with, we wanted to let you all know that we’ve made some new design files available in our repo. We also received the plastic plate stock and aluminum flat bar we ordered. We began machining strip-feeders from the former, for testing toolpaths and SMD tape fit. In a few days, we’ll begin fabricating pick-and-place parts from the latter. Finally, we ordered some laser-cut acrylic camera light diffusers. The design files for those will be available in our repo shortly.

Aside from that, we need to wait for the end of Chinese New Year so we can place our orders for PCB fabrication and other outstanding parts. Expect more updates as things progress!

Tomorrow is the last day of our campaign. We’ll continue taking orders, of course, but some models might not be available, and pre-order prices might increase slightly. (Please do keep in mind that shipping is included for all US orders!)

Thanks again to everyone for their support.

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