
Your personal open hardware PCB assembly machine

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Jan 29, 2021

Project update 17 of 24

Manufacturing Delays

by Gino Magarotto

First I’d like to apologize for my lack of communication over the past few month—and for missing my estimated ship date. For a number of reasons, I was unable to make as much progress as I’d hoped on SimplePnP. I was able to assemble and test the PCBs, however, and the good news is that they’re working perfectly.

Unfortunately, I have to push my estimated ship date back to May 25th. The two main areas that need more attention are: 1) batch PCB assembly, and 2) machining the plastic cut tape feeder trays. A late-May target should allow me to finish both tasks—despite day-job distractions—and still have enough time to package everything up and ship it all off to Crowd supply.

Sorry for the delay and thank you for your understanding,
Gino Magarotto

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