
An open source, parallel printing accessory that is fully compatible with LulzBotĀ® TAZ 3D printers

Jul 25, 2018

Project update 13 of 13

Colorado Printing Project Mega Update

Hey all!

I sincerely apologize for the amount of time since the last update, we’ve been extremely busy for the last few months and have quite a bit of exciting news!

First off, the Twoolhead is officially added into the latest version of Cura LulzBot Edition! You can now just add a new machine and select the Twoolhead under "LulzBot + Community developed addons", which makes the setup process a lot cleaner. Huge thanks to Brent I. and everyone at LulzBot for making this happen!!

Next, after a few months of testing we’ve finally released a new ultra high flow version of the Twoolhead, available on our website! Codenamed the "Ludicroustruder", this version of the twoolhead is built using 2 LulzBotĀ® LongBlock hotends with massive 1.2mm nozzles and one of the longest meltzones on the market. Since output increases with the square of the size of the nozzle, this makes for some seriously fast rates of production :). Here’s a short video of the Ludicroustruder cranking out PLA at over 210g/hr, roughly ~15x the average output of the machines running in Jo Prusa’s mega-print-farm. Pretty Slick!

Part of the microcluster, you can print 4 of these in just over 2.5 hours with the 1.2mm Ludicroustruder.


Last but definitely not least, we’ve finally started the process of releasing the Colorado Printing Projects 2nd product line, the Microcluster! We brought an early prototype of the microcluster to MRRF this year and got a ton of great feedback, which we incorporated to create the first release candidate. The Microcluster is a modular and highly scalable 3D printer enclosure system, and will be sold in DIY kit form as well as in 2 complete bundles designed for prosumer and industrial use. Make sure to sign up to follow the project and stay up to date.

Again, huge thanks to you all for following along and supporting project!!

Happy Printing
-the Colorado Printing Project team

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