EEZ Bench Box 3

Modular, open-source test & measurement chassis

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Aug 05, 2020

Project update 17 of 24

Everything Is Now Ready For Shipping!

by Denis

We are finally in a position to announce that we have everything we need to fill all crowdfunding orders. The fifth batch of DCP405 modules arrived two days ago, so we now have enough for all of our backers! If we can quickly agree on shipping terms, the shipment could be on its way to Crowd Supply by next week.

Manufacturing Challenges

We’ve also decided that the time has come to share the name of a company whose constant false presentation, blatant lying, delays, and poor quality control put this entire project at risk. AssemTec Europe, a Poland-based manufacturer, has left us in a situation from which it will take us a very long time to recover. We have carried out extensive testing to ensure that all of the modules we ship to backers meet our standards of quality, but working with this company made it extremely frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming to do so.

We found out too late what kind of company this is. With two staff members in a small, rented office, AssemTec Europe was unable to handle the logistics needed for EEZ BB3 production. They allegedly brought in a subcontractor called PRODEL to speed up delivery, but the end result is that, after four months, we still have not received all 570 of the DCP405s that we ordered. Which is truly shocking. We have consulted with several other PCBA contractors, and they all agree that such a time line is nearly inconceivable.

In short, we would strongly recommend to our follow creators that you avoid the incompetent duo beyond AssemTec Europe.

The Good News

Despite the challenges described above, we are incredibly excited about the prospect of finally shipping EEZ BB3s to all of our backers. We continue to make ongoing improvements, and remain confident that BB3 has a bright future.

  1. Firmware 1.1 is nearing completion. In it, we have implemented a number of minor improvements, including better USB support. For example, it is now possible to see SD cards as mass storage devices, detect OTG devices, and navigate using a mouse.

  2. EEZ Studio version 1.0 is also close to release. This version simplifies access to EEZ BB3, facilitates firmware updates for modules such as the DCM220, and improves the process of updating system MicroPython scripts and program lists.

  3. We are slowly making progress toward CE marking. We have completed a series of tests in an accredited lab. Certification won’t affect current orders, but will let us be more flexible with sales in the future.

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