The first ever truly embedded SDR

Nov 12, 2018

Project update 30 of 35

USB 3 Adapters Almost Ready; Clarifications on Common Questions

We’ve got all USB 3 boards reworked and we’re now in the process of assembling the units and packing remaining orders for shipping. We plan to have most of the orders from the original campaign assembled and ready for shipping by the end of the this week. {xtrx-usb3-case-asy}

Delivery Date Clarification

To clarify on a frequent question - the recent delivery date change to 31 Jan 2019 only applies to new orders placed in late October and November. All orders placed before that will be shipped as soon as we finish assembling the USB 3 units. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number when your order ships.

XTRX CS Discontinuation Clarification

We’re getting a lot of questions about discontinuing XTRX CS. We want to again assure you that there are no plans to drop XTRX CS support. It will receive the exact same level of support as the XTRX Pro for the foreseeable future (applications, host libraries, firmware, documentation, FAQ, etc.). In other words, it is not technically an end-of-life (EOL), but rather a SKU phase out.

XTRX Pro is more powerful and expensive but it has exactly the same hardware, FPGA, and software architecture as XTRX CS, and updates will be released for both versions simultaneously.

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