The first ever truly embedded SDR

Nov 30, 2017

Project update 16 of 35

XTRX Campaign is Live!

Thank you for signing up for updates on the XTRX software-defined radio project. The XTRX campaign is going live today; please follow along, pledge, and help spread the word about this project!

We’ve been dreaming about a world where software-defined radio is widespread and easily embeddable since we first learned about SDR in 2008. I still have draft diagrams and sketches of schematics of a Mini PCI SDR we tried to build in 2009 as a generic SDR platform — there was no Mini PCIe, only Mini PCI back then. Neither the market nor the technology was ready, the project didn’t fly, and we spent the next several years building specialized SDRs for cellular communications. Now, almost ten years later, we want to give our dream another shot with XTRX SDR. We feel it’s time.

Some of you may remember our XTRX presentations at OsmoDevCon‘16, GRCon‘16, 33C3, OsmoDevCon‘17, OpenCellular Workhop‘17, or GRCon‘17, and how every time we promised that XTRX would be ready "soon." The "soon" is finally here, today.

We’ve tried to answer most common questions on the main campaign page but we surely missed some. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have a question.

Stay tuned, get an XTRX.

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