USB C-thru

Open USB Type-C/PD Probe

Apr 04, 2016

Campaign Conclusion

To all those who backed the USB C-thru campaign, we thank you for your support. Read the full update.

Mar 28, 2016

Demo #3: Use USB C-Thru to Explore USB PD Solution on an FPGA Setup

USB PD uses USB Type-C port's Configuration Channel (CC) signal line as a medium of transport for its power negotiations and alternate modes. The USB PD physical layer uses Biphase Mark Coding (BMC) to transfer data over this CC signal line. Read the full update.

Mar 16, 2016

Tell Us What You Think

We're conducting a survey. Read the full update.

Mar 07, 2016

Demo #2: Explore Google Chromium USB Type-C example designs using USB C-thru

This article explores how to use USB C-Thru board to explore Google’s designs thereby enabling you to develop custom design of your own. Read the full update.

Feb 23, 2016

Demo #1: Exploring Type-C with a USB C-thru and a breadboard

Welcome to the world of USB C-thru: a passive board for your USB Type-C development and testing. Thank you for your interest in our project - we hope that the USB C-thru is the tool you've been waiting for to unlock the world of USB Type-C/USB Power Delivery(PD). As part of the campaign, we will be posting updates with demos and instructions on how to use USB C-thru to explore and develop USB Type-C/USB PD. Read the full update.

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