
An embedded platform for combining Depth and AI, built around Myriad X

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Apr 23, 2020

Project update 18 of 27

Custom Training & Other Progress

by Brandon G

Hi DepthAI Fans,

We’re continuing to work hard on DepthAI resources, so we have an exciting slew of updates for you!

Custom Training Tutorial

We now have a Custom Training Tutorial which uses Google Colab. So you can train your own custom models for DepthAI completely for free.

Other Progress

Additionally, since the last update, we:

There’s probably more, but the list was getting long!

And the best is yet to come. Even with all the progress above, there are a bunch of other features that we’re excited to be working on, and will share with you when we can.

Stay safe and best wishes,
Brandon and the Luxonis team

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