It’s a PCB providing LiPo battery charging and header socket for a Raspberry Pi Zero W that fits neatly onto TI’s DLP2000EVM DLP projector. A pretty neat portable projector that can actually fit in your pocket.
PiProjector Rev 2 is completely Maker-friendly with Open Hardware and Open Software design.
I wanted to have the smallest, cheapest portable projector around.
The existing DLP2000EVM was originally designed for the BeagleBone, which lacked any LiPo charging capability. Getting most things going on a BeagleBone isn’t as straightforward as the Raspberry Pi, as it’s brother seems to get more attention.
About a year ago I designed the first revision, the Rev 1.x series, which is a plain adaptor board for the Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Around 3 months later I had a working PCB. Able to play a full 1080p video with a 1 hour per Ah of battery uptime. Nice.
Later in the year I improved on the design. Adding in servo capability to allow control over focus and other functionality.
The version that is being offered in this campaign will have servo control over focus, additional GPIOs for hacking around and LiPo charge control.
You can see more details on my Tindie store.
Parts… Basically, parts. Finding parts has become more difficult since the great MLCC shortage and parts are becoming harder to obtain.
The existing Rev 2.5 design has been working without issue for 3 months, and no more enhancements will be added. The only changes would be allowing for alternative parts to be used to avoid shortages.
You may have seen this guy hanging around YouTube and the Internet in general for the past three years.
The open-source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and an advanced powering system
An open video development board in a PCI express form factor that supports overlaying content on encrypted video signals. Let's bring open video to the digital age!
A full-featured LiFePO4 battery, power manager, and UPS for the Raspberry Pi