Nixie Tap

Minimalist Wi-Fi Nixie Clock

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Aug 19, 2019

Project update 6 of 10

Production: Part II

First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay. The main cause was the long lead time of some parts, but now that this issue is solved, there should be no more delays.

For the last two weeks, we’ve been producing kits and assembled Nixie Taps, here in Novi Sad. Each unit is hand-assembled, and stress tested for at least 48 hours.

The kits are designed to make your life easier, and production harder :) Each PCB has its own little cardboard pouch, and all components required for that PCB are in that pouch.

Some tips on how to assemble the kits will be available at a later date, on the project Github.

We expect to finish production in a few days, wrap everything up in custom designed boxes, and ship the whole lot to Crowd Supply.

Some estimated dates are:

Again, sorry for the delay, and have a nice day.

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