Apr 29, 2024

Update 235 of 243

iCEBreaker and AntSDR in stock, how to pronounce Shenzhen, and more - the latest and greatest from Crowd Supply

"Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want." — Mr. Spock

New: Wee Noise Makers PGB-1

Wee Noise Makers PGB-1 is an open source, hackable synthesizer, sequencer, and groove box.

Learn More About Wee Noise Makers PGB-1

New: ANAVI Handle

ANAVI Handle lets you use Wii Nunchuk-compatible controllers as USB HID peripherals.

Learn More About ANAVI Handle

Coming Soon: Conexio Stratus Pro

Conexio Stratus Pro is a battery-powered, global cellular IoT platform that is part of the Nordic Community Hub.

Learn More About Conexio Stratus Pro

In Stock: iCEBreaker FPGA

iCEBreaker FPGA is a Lattice iCE40 FPGA dev board with lots of demos, expansion options, and curricula.

Order Your iCEBreaker FPGA

In Stock: AntSDR E200

AntSDR E200 is a software-defined radio based on the ZYNQ and AD936x chipsets, and is part of AMD FPGA Playground.

Order Your AntSDR E200

Teardown 2024: Using FPGAs in Eurorack Modules

Eric Schlappi’s Teardown 2024 talk will dive into Three Body, a Eurorack phase and frequency modulation triple oscillator based on the Lattice ECP5 FPGA and the open source Yosys/Nextpnr toolchain.

Learn More About Using FPGAs in Eurorack Modules

Update Roundup

The New Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen releases audio files.

Walter offers IoT SIM cards.

The Soracom M2M SIM card

Discovery Dish shares manufacturing progress.

Inkplate 4 Tempera releases design files.

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Join Us June 21-23, 2024 for Teardown

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