
Physical security for your personal data

Jan 29, 2018

Project update 22 of 26

Signet Mailing List

After seeing many points made in private communication with me that would benefit from discussion between users as well, it’s become apparent that a dedicated mailing list is in order. So, to augment the campaign questions form, private emails to contact (AT), and GitHub issue comments, I have setup a mailing list. You can use the list to discuss changes or improvements to the Signet client or firmware, or ask questions about using the device and the software.

Release Announcements

I will use the list to announce releases and release candidates. I expect to make releases every few weeks for now, and every few months as the software matures. I will still post campaign updates for releases that introduce substantial new features, but you might want to subscribe to the list if you also want to receive information about releases that contain mostly improvements to existing features.

Other Communications

I plan to continue to respond promptly to campaign questions, private emails, and GitHub issues. The mailing list will have the benefit however of allowing users to help each other and determine where people have shared interests and problems. I have enjoyed my interactions with backers so far and I look forward to participating in mailing list discussions as well.

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