PX-HER0 Board

The expert field guide to embedded ARM systems

Available for pre-order

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Oct 28, 2020

Field Report: Running Rust on the PX-HER0

Check out this update to learn how backer KristinD got Rust running on the PX-HER0. You'll find a step-by-step descriptions with lots of code samples to get you started. Read the full update.

Oct 21, 2020

FreeRTOS blinking LED with Segger SystemView

FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system distributed freely under the MIT license with a growing set of IoT libraries for embedded devices and has been ported to 35 microcontroller platforms. Included with release 0.9.3 of px-lib is a complete FreeRTOS blinking LED example for the PX-HER0 board. Read the full update.

Jul 24, 2020

Orders shipped; PX-HER0 now in stock

By now everyone should have received their orders and I hope that you are all happy and satisfied with your purchase. Discussions have started to trickle in on the Piconomix Forum and I can't wait to hear what you are up to and how the PX-HER0 board is being used! You can also file a Crowd Supply field report for a bit of fame and fortune. Read the full update.

Jul 01, 2020

STLINK-V3MINI Debuggers Shipped, Boards Coming Soon

We have a brief update regarding orders that included the 'PX-HER0 Board with STLINK-V3MINI' product. Read the full update.

Jun 18, 2020

Orders Almost Ready to Ship

A big thank you for your trust and patience! Please check if your delivery address is still correct and update if needed in the next 48 hours. You can check these details in your Crowd Supply account. Read the full update.

May 29, 2020

Boards are finished

The boards are finished and they look great! The next leg is shipping from Elecrow (China) to Crowd Supply (USA). I have also created a dedicated PX-HER0 Board User Manual. Read the full update.

May 20, 2020

Volume production has started

I hope you are all well and staying strong (physically and mentally)! The sample has passed all of the quality checks and Elecrow has started with mass production. Read the full update.

May 14, 2020

Manufacturer is building a sample before volume production

Elecrow has received all of the components and PCBs and is now in the process of building a sample to verify that the parts, PCB, and programming & test software is good before moving to mass production. Read the full update.

Apr 24, 2020

New! SD card Bootloader with LCD Selection Menu

We have created an alternative bootloader to load apps stored on an SD card. Check out this update for documentation and a short video demo. Read the full update.

Apr 09, 2020

Campaign Funded

Good news! We have been able to lower the funding goal to $2,200 USD, and gotten a lowered production quote from our manufacturer. If you want to order a PX-HER0 board before the campaign ends today, there is still time! Read the full update.

Apr 02, 2020

Campaign Extended

Thanks to everyone that has supported this campaign so far! We’ve decided to extend the campaign for a week while we review our financial situation and determine if there is a way that we can still move ahead with production of the board. Read the full update.

Mar 27, 2020

Delivery Schedule Specifics

If the initial delivery date has caused you to sit on the fence, here is the updated schedule. With less than a week left in the campaign, there's still time to back this great project! Read the full update.

Mar 18, 2020

The Joy of Tuning a Race Car

Have you seen the movie Ford v Ferrari? If you want to make a race car really fast, you've got to shed dead weight. I recently tried to figure out why the STM32 took so long to read the interrupt flags of an RF transceiver on the SPI bus. I used the vendor library to communicate with their RF transceiver. Read the full update.

Mar 09, 2020

Our Origin Story

It all started way back in 1983 when I got a second-hand 8-bit Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K when I was 9. The detailed story is here, but the short version is that I taught myself to modify obfuscated machine code to turn my puny 16K into a 128K machine and it turned out to be an April fool's joke. Read the full update.

Mar 03, 2020

How to get started with STM32CubeMX

STM32CubeMX is an easy graphical tool to generate code for STM32 microcontrollers. Here are some resources on getting started with it. Read the full update.

Feb 20, 2020

Campaign is Live!

The PX-HER0 campaign is now live! PX-HER0 is a low-power ARM Cortex development board that's been carefully crafted with embedded education in mind - hardware, software, and documentation. Read the full update.

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