SparkFun Thing Plus - QuickLogic EOS S3

An open source and expandable dev board powered by a low-power MCU with embedded FPGA

Jul 19, 2021

Behind the Scenes Video

SparkFun Thing Plus - QuickLogic EOS S3 boards are on their way to Crowd Supply's warehouse for final distribution. Please take this time to check your delivery address, and update it through your Crowd Supply account if needed. We've also put together a Behind the Scenes video to show you how the boards are made! Read the full update.

Apr 13, 2021

Magic Wand Demo

In this tutorial, our partners at QuickLogic & SensiML build a Magic Wand application for detecting spells that can run entirely on the SparkFun Thing Plus - QuickLogic EOS S3 using SensiML Analytics Toolkit. Read the full update.

Mar 18, 2021

Predictive Maintenance Demo

In this tutorial, our partners at QuickLogic & SensiML build a predictive maintenance application for a fan that can run entirely on the SparkFun Thing Plus - QuickLogic EOS S3 using SensiML Analytics Toolkit. Read the full update.

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