
A fully open source & customizable E-Ink watch

Feb 19, 2021

Project update 3 of 9

Enclosure Design Contest & Even More Watch Faces

Our enclosure design is well under way. We’re also happy to open the community enclosure design contest. Submit for a chance to win one of our prizes!

3D Printed Stainless Steel Prototype

As we’re working on the aluminum enclosure design for Watchy, we wanted to get a sense of how a metal enclosure would look and feel, so we took to Shapeways and 3D printed the "dos" enclosure in stainless steel! It weighs a hefty 100 grams (2.5 times that of aluminum!). In our next few prototypes, we will start producing them in CNC anodized aluminum. Stay tuned!

Watchy 3D printed steel prototype enclosure
Watchy 3D printed steel prototype enclosure

Enclosure Design Contest

We are officially announcing the enclosure design contest for Watchy! From today until the end of our campaign (March 16, 2021), we will be accepting Watchy enclosure design submissions. Submit your designs for a chance to win one of the prizes, and it may also be chosen for mass production!

Contest Prizes

Contest Rules

Getting Started

Check out our GitHub repo to get the Watchy base model and start designing your own enclosure!

Our first submission is Peechy by @Optogram:

Watchy case candidate: Peechy by @Optogram
Click to enlarge

Even More Watch Faces

The Watchy community continues to grow and they are sharing some amazing watch faces! From analog dials to binary clocks, there’s so much creativity going on. If you haven’t already, come join our Discord to share your ideas or be inspired!

Collage of community-designed watch faces
Click to enlarge

Ever thought about controlling your smart home from your wrist? If so, check out how @peerdavid connected his Watchy through MQTT pubsub to his smart home, reading weather data and even controlling lights!

@peerdavid connected Watchy to his smart home via MQTT

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