
A fully open source & customizable E-Ink watch

Jun 10, 2021

Project update 8 of 9

Watchys Have Started Shipping!

This is a long overdue update to all our Watchy backers: we’re excited to let you all know we’ve begun shipping! Over 1000 Watchy kits have been already shipped out, and we’re expecting the remaining batch to arrive within next week. Stay tuned for a shipping notification by email and reach out if you have any questions! You can also check your order details in your Crowd Supply account.

Chip Shortage

You’ve all heard about the chip shortage that’s been plaguing the industry, and we’re no different and affected by the situation. We’re fortunate enough to have purchased components earlier on to manufacture just enough for this campaign, but once they sell out that’s all we got! We’ll look into making more Watchys once the component lead times and prices are back to normal.

Getting Started

Once you receive your Watchy, we recommend reading our Getting Started Guide and watching the assembly video before putting it all together. We’ve previously had reports of users putting on the screen upside down, so we want to make sure everything is clear before starting!

We’ve flashed and tested every single Watchy PCB before packaging and shipping, but in case there are any issues it’s easier to troubleshoot before taping everything down. Reach out to us on Discord if you have any questions :)


Recently we live-streamed with Helen Leigh from Crowd Supply, unboxing Watchy and talking about everything E-Ink and Open Source Hardware. Check out the video here:

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