Circuit Classics

Exquisite printed circuit boards that bring to life Forrest Mims' vintage designs from "Getting Started in Electronics."

Jun 06, 2016

Project update 10 of 20

After the Campaign

THANK YOU — a big thank you, to everyone who backed the campaign. I could not stop refreshing the page during the final push — it has been incredible to see the enthusiasm build up here. Thank you to everyone who tweeted, shared, emailed, and helped to spread the word.

Since launching this, I have been seemingly unable to go a day without meeting or hearing from someone who learned (or taught!) electronics using Forrest Mims’ books. I can think of nothing more heartwarming than hearing those stories from you.

The campaign is now in "pre-order" mode, meaning that if you missed the campaign during its funding period, you can still place an order but your delivery date is a month later and you will not receive kits during the first wave of shipments. Several of you who are receiving this email placed orders just after the campaign closed, and if that’s you, as a heads up, you should expect the later delivery date.

Now that it has finished, I’ve been busy working on the work required get this delivered: placing the volume orders of books and boards and components, putting a stronger spotlight of focus on packaging design, corralling accessories, and so forth. September 30 may seem far away but in terms of getting these kits from me to you, I think I will be keeping plenty busy! I will continue to write updates here so that you all keep informed as I do.

One thing that I did not sufficiently highlight during the campaign and which I’d like to state here so that it’s known — Forrest Mims has asked that I make a charitable contribution to Disabled American Veterans in his name, which I’ll be doing, from the proceeds of the campaign.

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