Circuit Classics

Exquisite printed circuit boards that bring to life Forrest Mims' vintage designs from "Getting Started in Electronics."

May 27, 2016

Project update 9 of 20

Big Final Push

The final week of the campaign has arrived. In fact, it’s solidly here — just 3 days remain to become a Circuit Classics backer. Thank you to everyone who has backed so far. At present, nearly 400 people have backed this campaign. Wow. Thank you all!

Behind the scenes I’ve been working on the things required to complete the next steps — for me that means placing the volume order of components, having boards manufactured, assembling the packaging, and working on the documentation and instructional materials that will accompany every kit and go out to you.

I’ve been giving talks about Circuit Classics this past month as well, and have had the opportunity to speak to a few of you about what you like about the project: I’ve heard from those of you who learned electronics from Forrest Mims’ books for school, or used them so that you could make electronic art, or you had them when you were a kid — and now you want to teach your own children. I feel lucky and glad that as part of extending that, you want Circuit Classics.

As many of you are aware, the number of orders placed has a big impact on the size of the volume order I can make. It also helps me answer the question you’ve been asking me, on whether I will end up making more of these at some point down the line.

Please feel free to tweet and share this countdown (thank you to those of you who have previously done so already) — it’s the last chance to add orders to make an impact here today.


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