unsurv offline

An open source, privacy friendly, compact GNSS receiver with ESP32 and NFC for all your location based projects, including tracking surveillance cameras

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Nov 23, 2021

Project update 1 of 13

We are now Live!

by Martin W

We are proud to release the unsurv offline campaign, which is now live on Crowd Supply. unsurv offline helps you anonymously track the data that is tracking you. Become part of fast growing community that likes to keep track on who knows what about them, where their data is stored, and what it is being used for (and most importantly: by whom!). unsurv offline was designed to keep track of those who want to track you. With its small footprint, versatility, and open source approach, it can be adapted to many common location-based use cases and easily fits into the Arduino ecosystem.

Go check it out and pledge to our campaign to make this device a reality!

Stay tuned for tutorials and more information about unsurv offline in the coming weeks. We will teach you how to synchronize data automatically with a small server running on a raspberry pi, how to improve the offline surveillance database in OpenStreetMap and even how to use your device as a DIY fitness tracker.

You can reach us through our campaign page at Crowd Supply.
You can also check out our unsurv.org website, check out our Twitter @unsurv or find us on the Crowd Supply Discord.

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