
An open source stereoscopic camera based on Raspberry Pi

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Aug 23, 2019

Project update 23 of 38

Shipping, Shipping, and Shipping

by Eugene Pomazov

First, Actual Shipment Status

Fulfillment of the last open orders is in progress. In the last few days, two small batches have shipped. A large batch that covers all remaining open orders are currently being processed. If you haven’t already received a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number, you should within the next week.

What’s under the hood?

Actually, we put a lot of effort to compensate for changes to the delivery dates. For example, we ordered a very expensive express delivery for our first batch part to save five days. But we were unable to predict all possible issues, like an extra stop at Crowd Supply headquarters for re-labeling before being sent to the fulfillment warehouse. From the Crowd Supply team:

Crowd Supply recently transitioned all fulfillment operations to
Mouser Electronics. This brings many benefits, such as better
shipping rates, more package throughput, better international
delivery methods, and pre-cleared customs for customers in the EU,
Switzerland, Australia, and Canada. However, we’re still tightening
up our processes, especially around how all orders need to be
packaged and labeled before they arrive at Mouser’s warehouse, which
means a delay of about a week while we manually re-labeled all
StereoPi packaging. The final batch of StereoPis arrived at Crowd
Supply earlier this week and is being shipped today by air to
Mouser’s warehouse. All remaining orders should be shipped to
backers next week.

Negative Emotions

We received some angry emails from our backers. We understand this, as a lot of people have plans for their own projects with the StereoPi, and time is critical. We hope all delivery problems are now behind us. Nonetheless, you may still have some negative emotions. If you keep them inside, it can lead to depression, aggression, stomach ulcers, and other health problems. They say in Japan you can relieve your stress by kicking a Boss Doll:

So, we created special email address you can use for expressing your emotions instead of keeping them inside. All emails on this address will actually be read by our team, and, unlike Boss Doll, we feel your pain. You can write any uncensored email to us (but please keep the kids away from your computer while writing it). Here is the address:

Lost Parcels

We also received several emails from backers, whose orders have shipped, but not yet been delivered. In such cases, you should know some information from the Backers Protection page of the Crowd Supply Guide:

If your package appears lost, please let us know as soon as possible
so we can arrange re-shipment or an insurance claim with the
appropriate shipping service provider. It varies by carrier, but
you typically have to report a lost package within 30 days of
initial shipment. If you think your package may be lost, please

with your order ID and tracking number.

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