
A tiny robot for games, exploration, and programming

Sep 27, 2018

Project update 4 of 9

Ordering Components, Classes and More

by William W

So far 31 Skoobot’s have been pledged. Thanks to all of the backers for your support thus far. If you haven’t done so already, please post on social media about Skoobot. More pledges will make Skoobot sustaining, enabling me to make more cool features. I have already ordered the parts for 16 Skoobots and I am assembling those.

Also, I am beginning manufacturing on a larger batch of Skoobots. This will greatly speed final assembly, and give me an inventory for additional pledges and after-campaign sales.

I am also working on the courses. I have OpenCV installed on my Raspberry Pi and I am finishing up the Python code for line following using machine vision. This wlll be a great course to delve into Math, coding and crazy algorythms. The next course I plan to develop is a speech recognition Tensorflow course. This is to learn nueral nets and AI.

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Alex Glow, of, did this Skoobot review video:

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