ANAVI Macro Pad 2

Open source, programmable two-key mechanical keypad with backlighting

Jul 15, 2021

Project update 8 of 13

Coding Acrylic Enclosures with OpenSCAD

by ANAVI Technology

This week we received the acrylic enclosures for ANAVI Macro Pad 2. They were made for us by a local company in a near-by town in Bulgaria using laser cutting of 2 mm transparent clear acrylic sheets. There are blue protective films on both sides of each acrylic enclosure which you will need to remove when you receive your ANAVI Macro Pad 2 kit.

The design of the acrylic enclosures has been done with the popular open source software OpenSCAD. It is a simple and lightweight application that runs on MS Windows, MacOS and Linux. I am using it on Ubuntu. OpenSCAD is a script-only based modeller that uses its own description language to create solid 3D CAD objects. The .scad files for ANAVI Macro Pad 2 are available in GitHub. OpenSCAD supports exporting to various different file formats, including svg and pdf.

Before the launch of the crowdfunding campaign we experimented with several different designs but finally settled on a very simple design with is easy to manufacture. Furthermore, if in future you need a spare part and have a 3D printed, you can also export stl file from OpenSCAD and print it. By the way, there is a line in the source code that you need to uncomment to covert the enclosure parts from 2D to 3D for 3D printing. The OpenSCAD files and schematics for the acrylic enclosures of ANAVI Macro Pad 2 are available in GitHub.

In the coming weeks we will proceed with flashing the firmware, testing and packaging. Crowd Supply team is arranging the paperwork required for the shipping. As always, we will keep you updated! Thank you again for supporting ANAVI Macro Pad 2!

Thanks, Leon

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