EspoTek Labrador

A small, portable, USB-connected electronics lab-on-a-board that includes an oscilloscope, waveform generator, power supply, logic analyzer, and multimeter.

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Jul 11, 2017

EspoTek Labrador Software

Chris Esposito here, just sending a quick update regarding the status of the software for the EspoTek Labrador. It looks like a fair few people have received their boards already and are wondering about software/documentation. Read the full update.

Jul 03, 2017


Yep, that’s right! All Labrador boards have been shipped out to the backers! Read the full update.

Jun 14, 2017

Rolling onto the Production Line

The actual physical process of 2000 boards being etched and components soldered onto them has begun! You will soon have your Labrador in hand! Read the full update.

May 08, 2017

Where we at?

Hi everyone. Just a quick status update: The final payment and design were sent to the manufacturer a week ago (27th April). Shipping should take place by the end of the month, but the exact date depends on them. Read the full update.

Apr 10, 2017

Reliability vs. Performance in the Power Supply

The issue with the power supply mentioned in the last update has been fixed, and the power supply now cannot overheat.  The new design files will be sent to the manufacturer tomorrow morning and everything will continue as planned. Read the full update.

Mar 20, 2017


In the last update, I underestimated both the time taken and issues faced in mass production. The boards won’t be shipping in March. Possibly not even April. When they do ship, though, they’ll at least have Android support. Read the full update.

Feb 10, 2017

Everything’s Coming up Chris-House

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks! The lovely Diane and I managed to find ourselves a place of our own. This is a huge burden off of our shoulders, since we were given notice to leave our last property and only had a couple of weeks left. Read the full update.

Jan 20, 2017

The Rise of the Clock Skew

So, I’m going to be upfront and honest with you: that major software bug from the Christmas update still hasn’t been fixed.  Not for a lack of trying, mind you.  What I thought was the DMA controller not being triggered during a short interrupt actually turned out to be a hellish clock skew problem that stems from an incorrect assumption about the Xmega’s DFLL that I’d been making for over two years. Read the full update.

Dec 23, 2016

Christmas Special

Hi everyone. Remember how, three weeks ago, I said I’d post an update after one week? Well, here it is. Part of the delay was due to a late component delivery, and part due to said late component arriving halfway through major software surgery. Read the full update.

Nov 29, 2016

Production Progress & Feature Requests

Just a quick update! I’ve sent off (what should be) the final prototype designs to PCBWay, and will have a few boards in hand next week. I’ll make a video showing off the changes when it arrives, assuming there are no major bugs. I think it’s pretty cool. Read the full update.

Nov 21, 2016

Linux/OSX Ports & Shipping Dates

The prototype backers have started receiving their boards, the software has been ported over to Linux and Mac OS X and the shipping date has been delayed. Read the full update.

Oct 24, 2016

Campaign End!

As you’ve probably noticed, the campaign is over, and it raised well above the $9000 target - a smidge over $15,000, in fact - even including declined credit cards.  About $3000 of this came in the last couple of days. Read the full update.

Oct 04, 2016

Fleshing Out The Stretch Goals

Well, it’s been ten days since Labrador hit 100%, and a week since I should have released the last update. Apologies for the delays. I became sick while moving house and just didn’t get around to it for a while. But, finally, here it is! Read the full update.

Sep 23, 2016

Labrador Hits 100%, and Here are the Stretch Goals

I can't quite believe it has actually happened. Labrador is 100% funded and the pledges are still coming. To make a long story short, an article appeared on Make and the total amount raised went up by 20% in about 24 hours. Labrador will be produced and hundreds of people around the world will get to experience the joy of engineering with proper tools. So excited! Read the full update.

Sep 19, 2016

Week Three Recap: Review and Documentation!

Yep, you read that heading correctly! Labrador will be getting reviewed soon! Read the full update.

Sep 07, 2016

Week Two Recap: Source Code!

In this episode, Chris discovers that you can splice clips into the middle of videos… Plus the source code has been released and is available on GitHub. Read the full update.

Aug 31, 2016

Week One Recap and Software Demo

So, a week ago the EspoTek Labrador launched on Crowd Supply. And what a crazy week it's been! First thing's first - I've made a video demonstration of the software. The software is possibly the best bit about Labrador - it's really easy to use! Read the full update.

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