Lime AC Case

An active-cooling aluminum enclosure for the LimeSDR product family

Jan 02, 2020

Project update 7 of 11

Production Process Pt. 2

Two weeks ago, we sent the order of LimeSDR-USB Type A and Micro USB version to the factory, and we got the first pre-product on Dec 26th. We will get the final product no later than Jan 8th from the factory.

The pre-production of LimeSDR-USB Micro USB.

For the LimeSDR-Mini, we have got them from the factory at the end of Dec.

The pre-pack top/bottom cases of LimeSDR-Mini for the factory.

We just got back for the New Year holiday, so we will going to pack the LimeSDR Mini cases in the next 2 days.

We will ship them to Crowd Supply after we receive the LimeSDR USB versions, and finish the packing job, which will be around Jan 11th.

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