An open source software defined radio covering 70 MHz to 6 GHz with an on-board FPGA and USB 3.0 port

May 15, 2017

More packages for Ubuntu & joining MyriadRF

Debian packages are now available for gr-osmosdr with FreeSRP support. This makes it very easy to install GNU Radio with FreeSRP support on Ubuntu. I have updated the documentation to include a detailed setup guide (see Additionally, there is a short video that walks you through the process. Read the full update.

May 02, 2017

Tell Us What You Think

I am conducting a short survey and would really appreciate your support. Your feedback will help to make FreeSRP the best it can be. Read the full update.

Apr 19, 2017

Windows Support, FPGA Design, USB Firmware, and GNU Radio

The FreeSRP can now be used in Windows. `libfreesrp` was successfully compiled for Windows, requiring only very minor modifications (which will be published soon). Supporting `libfreesrp` on Windows makes it possible build Pothos SDR with FreeSRP support. Read the full update.

Apr 07, 2017

SoapySDR and Pothos Support, and More on Hardware Expansion

Thank you to everyone for all the support received in the first few days of the campaign! I have already received a few questions, most of them concerning support for SDR frameworks other than GNU Radio (such as Pothos SDR) or one of the FreeSRP's most important hardware features: the IO capabilities provided by the expansion port. In this first update, I will try to address these topics. Read the full update.

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