
An embedded platform for combining Depth and AI, built around Myriad X

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Feb 05, 2020

Project update 13 of 27

Hardware Builds Complete

by Brandon G

Hi DepthAI fans!

TL;DR: We have now finished doing assembly and tests on all of the units.

Sorry for the long delay between updates. I was in Taiwan for supply chain stuff, got the flu there, and then we were super heads-down building and testing hardware.

Because our total quantities from the campaign were significantly lower than expected (hence the funding goal reduction), the quantities fell below the minimum quantity for our CM to do the final integration and test. So we did it locally in our facility instead.

Below are some pictures of units going through final assembly and test.

Now that all the units have been fully assembled and functionally tested, we are working to prepare the Raspberry Pi images for the Compute Module Edition and the Raspberry Pi HAT Editions. That way these versions have any/all dependencies included.

We are planning on shipping all units to Crowd Supply on Friday, and Crowd Supply will then ship these to all of our backers.

Thanks again for the support! And cheers from the Luxonis team.


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