
An embedded platform for combining Depth and AI, built around Myriad X

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Feb 10, 2020

Project update 14 of 27

Live help via our Slack community

by Brandon G

Hi DepthAI fans!

We’re putting the finishing touches on your boards, calibrating cameras, and working on code examples so you can hit the ground running on your quest for computer vision AI enlightenment.

We know you’ll have questions as you get started, so we thought: why not create a Slack Community for our backers? So, we did! Join our Slack Community and tell us what you’re excited about building, get troubleshooting help, see what others are building with DepthAI, and share other computer vision / AI things you can’t stop thinking about.

P.S. - We’re still on track to ship the boards to Crowd Supply soon, who will then ship the boards to you.

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