Onion Omega2 Pro

A tiny, open source, plug-and-play Linux dev board with Wi-Fi and lots of storage

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Jan 14, 2019

Project update 5 of 13

Production Update and Hardware Details

Greetings all Omega2 Pro enthusiasts and campaign supporters!

As we enter the 2nd week of 2019 we’re pleased to report that everything is moving forward nicely with the first Omega2 Pro manufacturing run.

In our December 18th update we reported that we’d started production of the first 500 units. We are continuing to maintain steady production and confident that we can start shipping out the first units as of January 31st. We’ll of course keep you updated and let you know the day that shipping commences.

Current production update: The current production status is very encouraging and overall the process is going very well and according to schedule.

tested, and no defects have been found!

You can see just how smart the PCBs look:

{o2pro-mfg-0-pcb-1-0,o2pro-mfg-0-pcb-2} You’ll notice that there are 6 copies of the same board on a single sheet, this is common practice to make the SMT process more efficient and increase the number of boards produced per minute of active machine time. During the manufacturing of the PCBs, channels are cut along the board borders on the sheet, so that the individual boards can be broken apart after the SMT is complete and the solder cools.

What’s next:

permanently affixing electronics components to the PCBs. This of course is a very important part of the production process which, given the stringent quality control production process, we’re highly confident will result in an optimum outcome.

Completion Process:
After PCB assembly is completed over the course of the next week, we’ll then be moving onto testing and Quality Control which is going to be very exciting. Stay tuned for coming updates on our progress with that.

Some Further Hardware Insights:
As many of you will already know, the Omega2 Pro design is open-source. The designs are available under the MIT license and can be found on GitHub.

be precise, the Omega2S+ variant is the centerpiece of the Omega2 Pro, providing the CPU, 128MB RAM memory & WiFi radio. Visit our site for more information on the Omega2S modules.

volume directly from Onion or from Mouser

Thanks to all of you who have contributed and supported our campaign we’ve now tipped 284% of our original campaign goal. That is just AWESOME and we can hardly express our gratitude for your shared passion and support.

Looking forward to catching up with you again soon in our next update!

-Team Onion

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