Hexoshi Milestone 1

A libre free-roaming game inspired by Metroid.

Mar 10, 2017

Project update 19 of 33

In Sickness and in Health

I was in the midst of a massive, widespread power outage here in Michigan, so I took this opportunity to write another update explaining what has been going on, since it’s long overdue.

At the beginning of last month, I caught a nasty, long-lasting cold and was pretty much out of commission for a whole week. Then, like clockwork, Luke also got sick some time last month, and also got it bad. So productivity from both of us suffered as a result. However, we are both back in commission, and (with the exception of the loss of productivity this power outage is causing me) are back on track.

Partly because of his illness, Luke ended up taking longer to do the ball animation than expected, and because of this, he volunteered to finish both the ball and the wall jump at no additional cost, which made the total cost for both the ball and wall jump only $40 (for the 2 hours he sank into the ball animation before he decided to do this). He didn’t have to do this and I didn’t ask him to, so I am hugely grateful. :)

In other news, these are the most notable changes since the last update:

Another update calling for nominations for the name of the first area will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

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