
An open source, modular, robotic control system for building 3D printers, CNC routers, and other robotics applications

May 17, 2017

Project update 6 of 9

Production Update and Interposer Board Survey

Hello Everybody, we have a few items to update you on this week.

On Track For Production for All Boards

We submitted all the gerbers for production a couple of weeks ago and are on track for getting the finished boards back. PCB manufacturing is complete, all the boards are being assembled right now.

Select Your Interposer Board

We’ve received PCB interposers for all 3 compute modules, C.H.I.P. Pro, particle photon and electron. Please fill out the short survey and tell us which interposer your would like to get with your board for free. Here’s the link:

Compute Interposer Survey

See You At The Bay Area MakerFaire!

We’ve been very busy in the past weeks preparing for the large makerFaire in San Mateo this weekend. We will have a booth over there showing a triple head 3D printer running on the latest JuicyBoard platform. The system is up and fully functional with the new RTD temperature sensor working as expected (R1008). Please come by, we’ve love to see you! We are going to be located in Zone 2 Expo South

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