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View Purchasing OptionsHi Everyone,
Thank you all again for your support! We raised $58,117!
Three weeks ago, our team (@_conorpp, @0x0ece, @nickraystalder, @hoos97) went to Piacenza, Italy to visit our manufacturing partner. That day, we got to see 3,000 Solo Taps get manufactured! Somus is getting assembled as we write, and the cases have all been produced.
After Piacenza, we headed down to MakeFaire Rome where we had a booth! We talked with a lot of people about security keys and got to show off our prototype Somus.
We’re on track to start shipping in December!
Thanks to our collaborator Oleg Moiseenko, we’re making strong progress on our OpenPGP build, which we plan to release to all Solo keys in a firmware update in the coming months. This will allow you to use Solo/Somu with GPG and PKCS#11 libraries like OpenSC.
To update your firmware, you can use our command line tool, or our desktop application.
Nitrokey is a leading vendor of open source security hardware for data encryption, key management, and user authentication. The company was founded in Berlin, Germany in 2015 and can count thousands of users - including numerous well-known international enterprise customers. Nitrokey has launched their second product generation and has an extensive portfolio of five products. is a premiere electronics shop dedicated to manufacturing and direct sales of open-source hardware.