Jupiter Nano

Tiny, high-performance computer that runs Linux or the NuttX real-time operating system

Oct 05, 2021

Project update 9 of 12

Production Update

by Adam

I just want to write a quick status update.

The campaign is over and was successfully funded. We are in pre-production right now– preparing for the manufacturing run of the first batch of Jupiter Nanos. This phase is mainly getting commodity component acquisition worked out. Thanks to Crowd Supply and Mouser’s great help, we have all the key components already, so this is mainly about resistors, capacitors, transistors, and other similar items. As we get closer to production I’ll have a better idea of the timeline for shipping the boards. I’ll post another update when we get that worked out.

If you don’t have a Jupiter Nano, you can still buy one! These will ship out after the campaign backers get theirs.

Thank you for everyone who backed this project and everyone who asked questions and shared the project on social media!

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