Update 37 of 250
"Play is the beginning of knowledge." — George Dorsey
ANAVI Play pHAT is a super simple, low cost, open source hardware add-on board for Raspberry Pi with buttons for retro-gaming and slots for up to three I2C sensor modules. Now funding!
Learn more about ANAVI Play pHAT
1btn is a Wi-Fi enabled button you can use to trigger a task with the a simple, satisfying click. Set the action using its simple, online interface. One click, one task. IFTTT ready. It’s that simple. Now back in stock.
The μArt is a versatile and reliable USB-UART converter. It quickly reached its funding goal and has plenty of interesting project updates to peruse, from details about its protection features, to how it has improved Linux drivers.
OpenLogger is an open source, low-cost, data logging platform. With the option of Wi-Fi or USB connectivity and microSD card storage, you can remotely monitor data in real-time or store data files for later collection and analysis.
The perfect back-to-school gift for your soon-to-be-engineer (or yourself). Circuit Classics kits by Star Simpson take the vintage designs from Forrest Mims’ "Getting Started in Electronics" and turn them (handwriting and all) into real PCBs and parts you can assemble yourself.
Crowd Supply is your home for original, useful, respectful hardware. We’d love to hear what you are working on.