SlimeVR Full-Body Tracker

An affordable, comfortable, wireless, 360° solution for full-body tracking in virtual reality

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Feb 27, 2024

Project update 23 of 25

More Slimes Have Shipped!

by Eiren

After the previous big shipment was processed without problems, we now have all doors opened to assemble, pack and ship more Slimes to you all!

780 more sets of Slimes are currently on the way to Mouser to be sent to backers! And more to come - 600 more sets are already prepared in The Cave, and we plan to pack ~700 more for the next shipment. We are planning for the next shipment to include all orders placed until the end of 2022. We will assemble and pack until we run out of parts in stock, and then ship.

Please check in your Crowd Supply account that the address in your order is correct! If something is wrong, please contact Crowd Supply’s support ASAP. If you require warranty for your Slimes, please contact SlimeVR Support here (please remember that we don’t handle orders, it’s done by Crowd Supply).

Orders From 2023 and Beyond

We have all parts on order to cover all pre-orders placed and more. Some parts are already manufactured and are on the way to us, but some of them have a lead time around end of March - most importantly including the new enclosures and main PCBs. As soon as we get those parts, we will be making them into Slimes as fast as possible, and shipping them on their way to you. With the help of the people in The Cave and the assembly company it will be a quick process, but the sheer amount of Slimes we need to assemble for this batch is immense - over 50000 main Slimes and 18000 extensions!

Of course, there’s a lot of this we can do while we’re waiting to speed up the assembly and packing, like preparing boxes, prepacking accessories, etc. We can also use this time to improve the SlimeVR software, or even tinker with something new, stay tuned ;)

As usual, if you want to be informed of all the news as they happen, join our Discord where we post weekly dev updates with bonus cool details and photos!

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